Category: Health

  • 6 Quick Tips for Getting Healthy No Matter How Busy You Are

    6 Quick Tips for Getting Healthy No Matter How Busy You Are

    We all know how important our health is and how difficult it can sometimes seem to be to stay in shape and eat a healthy well balanced diet since we tend to always be on the go, rushing to and fro and rarely have the time to eat properly or take care of ourselves. Well,…

  • Five Tips for Surviving Cold and Flu Season Naturally

    Five Tips for Surviving Cold and Flu Season Naturally

    It’s that time of year again. The kids are back in school, the weather is getting colder, and office workers everywhere are lining up for their company flu shots. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 200,000 Americans each year are hospitalized and 36,000 die from seasonal flu complications. With the…

  • 10 Cheap Ways to Get Healthy

    10 Cheap Ways to Get Healthy

    Did you know that, according to Psychology Today, most people who make New Year’s resolutions tend to fail? 22% fail after the first week, while 40% often fail after the first month! While those statistics are discouraging, there are steps you can take to make sure you don’t become one of them. If you’ve made…

  • Coffee: Drink to Your Health!

    Coffee: Drink to Your Health!

    If you’re anything like me, you can’t function properly without your morning cup of coffee. Discovered more than 1,000 years ago by hungry goats roaming the hills of Ethiopia, it has become the number one source of antioxidants in the U.S. diet. Black tea, bananas, dry beans and corn round out the top five. Once…

  • Seven Stages of Finding Better Health

    Seven Stages of Finding Better Health

    Regardless of how we get there, there are stages along the way that everyone experiences when trying to improve their health. This article covers those stages and my journey through them so that you can use these tips to motivate yourself to take that first step – or try again. THE REASON: Find a motivating…

  • 10 Simple Essential Tools That Should Be In Your Kitchen (But Probably Aren’t)

    10 Simple Essential Tools That Should Be In Your Kitchen (But Probably Aren’t)

    As far as kitchens go, I like to think of them as the room where beverages and snacks are kept. I am aware that there are devices in there which, when used properly by my husband, transform ingredients into delicious meals. I just don’t know how to use them. Yet I love learning about all…

  • Quick Refreshers for the Deskbound Worker

    Quick Refreshers for the Deskbound Worker

    Do you have the telltale signs: stiff neck and shoulders, tired eyes, fatigue? Not everyone works at a computer all day, but in this burgeoning information age it’s a good bet that most people spend at least a few hours every day at some kind of desk, staring at a monitor, with the resulting symptoms…

  • 8 Fitness Myths Debunked

    8 Fitness Myths Debunked

    There is so much information about exercise, diet and fitness that it is hard to decipher what is truth and what is fiction. This is where the internet comes into it’s own and helps us to decipher what is best for our bodies. There are a lot of experts out there and here is what…

  • How to Really Lose Weight

    How to Really Lose Weight

    I finally found a way to lose weight. The good news for you is it doesn’t require a fad diet, does not require spending huge gobs of money, doesn’t have complicated rules, and best of all, you can “cheat” and it still works. What Doesn’t Work for Me I have tried lots of popular and…

  • 101 Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels

    101 Ways To Boost Your Energy Levels

    We all need energy for every thing we do in life. Being able to tweak more energy from our minds and our bodies is a worthwhile pursuit. If you can change your energy levels by a few per cent you will achieve a hell of a lot in life and feel the better for it.…